Leadfeeder–A Great Tool for B2B Companies


Artem Daniliants

3 min read

Today we’re going to talk about a great add on for your business’ website called Leadfeeder. If you aren’t using Leadfeeder, you will shortly.

Leadfeeder is a sales intelligence tool that provides information about what businesses are visiting your website.

If you are focused on B2B marketing, then this tool provides lots of great information to help increase your sales to other companies interested in your product. With the data from Leadfeeder, you can create actionable steps such as Ad Campaigns and Social Media to interact with them. There are some great reasons to use Leadfeader, such as the simple User Interface (UI), great data, and cost efficiency.

First of all, it a very easy plugin to add to your website. In only a couple of minutes, you can install the simple plugin on your website to start gathering information.

Once installed, you can see data such as what business is looking at your site, their location, how they found your site, and their visitor behavior. There is a limited amount of info if someone is looking at your site from their personal devices, but thankfully you can still get some info if they are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network that many people use working from home to access their company’s private information).

Not sure if direct or reddit referral

Their location is another great piece of information, specifically if your business exists across the globe. With that info, you’ll know which offices to focus on. When it comes to visitor behaviour, you can see information like what pages they read and how they found your site. This will then allow you to sort the data on Leadfeeder into warm leads and cold leads.

Alright, so Leadfeeder gives you very interesting about who is stalking you. But how do I tell someone I saw them stalking me without being creepy?

Stalking cat

‍‍Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are three ways you can turn those warm leads into successful sales without coming across as a weirdo.

1. Engage with the company online

Use your social skills and start commenting or liking the posts of people within that company on websites like LinkedIn. Making connections is a great start to eventually making sales.

2. Send a pitch in a friendly way

Depending on the country, being honest that you noticed someone from that company searching your company can also work. In countries like the US, this might be an effective and simple strategy to land a sale.

3. Launch an Ad Campaign retargeting them

This is a great way to make use of the Mere Exposure Effect . If you aren’t aware of it, this is a term borrowed from Psychology about how people tend to like something simply because it is familiar. Creating ads targeted to the people who work at that company will cause them to like your product simply because they recognize it.

If all of this seems too good to be true, don’t worry; all the information from Leadfeeder is available and legal to use. Much of it even comes from LinkedIn and is brought into Leadfeeder as more data for you.

This information might seem too powerful, but as long as you’re using it to reach other businesses organically, then it shouldn’t backfire. Of course, I’m going to leave you with a Spiderman Quote as a reminder.

With great power comes great responsibility

‍‍Another great thing about Leadfeeder is that it has a lot of ways to organize the data. You can create custom “feeds” with different filters and assign it to different team members or departments.

For example, you might create a feed for your content writer to see who is reading your business’s blog posts and what other kinds of content might match that company’s interests. Then you might create another feed focused for your sales department focused on people who are looking at your online store or pricing.

Finally, the last reason you should use Leadfeeder is affordability. At the start, you do have a free-to-use version that would be great if you are a small business. Then, over time, as your company grows, you can upgrade to plans that provide more useful data.

For more information out Leadfeeder check out the podcast episode where we talk about it in even more detail.
