Unlocking LinkedIn Success: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Viral LinkedIn Articles in 2024

Social Media Advertising

Artem Daniliants

12 min read

With over 1 billion members spanning 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn stands tall as a crucial platform in the global business landscape. Crafting thoughtful articles on LinkedIn can dramatically elevate your professional brand and networking opportunities.

In this guide, we dive deep into why LinkedIn articles are indispensable for professional growth and how to wield them effectively to amplify your industry presence. From unravelling the essence of LinkedIn articles to mastering audience engagement, this guide covers all you need to know to harness LinkedIn for your professional advantage.

Why LinkedIn Articles Matter for Your Growth

Content marketing has become the cornerstone of digital strategies, surpassing traditional sales tactics. LinkedIn articles, particularly favoured by B2B businesses, are invaluable for reaching, engaging, and converting leads into customers. Stick with us through this guide to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn articles and supercharge your marketing efforts.

What Exactly Are LinkedIn Articles?

LinkedIn Articles are essentially blog posts you create, publish, and manage directly on the platform. They're a crucial part of any comprehensive LinkedIn content strategy, offering a powerful medium to share insights, network with peers, boost brand visibility, and drive traffic to your websites.

LinkedIn Articles and Google Indexing

Linkedin Atricles and Google Index

LinkedIn articles are indexed by Google and can appear in search results as standalone content, much like any traditional blog post. The precise ranking of these articles within Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) is influenced by several factors, including the strength of the author's LinkedIn profile and the presence of backlinks, among other SEO elements.

This unique feature of being indexed by Google renders writing LinkedIn articles especially advantageous. Not only do they reach the vast audience on LinkedIn itself, but they also gain exposure to a broader audience through Google. This dual visibility significantly enhances your professional profile and increases traffic to your LinkedIn page, thereby boosting both personal and business brand recognition.

5 Reasons for Jumpstarting Your LinkedIn Article Journey Now

Leveraging LinkedIn articles can transform your business strategy, offering a direct channel to engage with a targeted audience and expand your market presence. Here are five compelling reasons to integrate LinkedIn articles into your marketing and growth strategies right away:

  1. Increased Exposure: Tap into LinkedIn's vast network to reach a broader audience and explore new markets.
  2. Enhanced Credibility: Regularly publishing insightful articles positions your business as a thought leader, fostering trust among peers and customers.
  3. SEO Benefits: Google indexing boosts your business's online visibility, driving organic traffic to your profile and website.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry leaders and peers, opening doors to collaborations and partnerships.
  5. Feedback and Growth: Engage directly with your audience through comments and shares, gaining valuable insights for business development and innovation.

The Perfect Starting Point for Your Article

Crafting an attention-grabbing LinkedIn article starts with honing in on two key elements: understanding your audience and selecting the perfect topic. These initial strides are pivotal as they pave the path for content that's not only captivating but also tailor-made for your readers. Here's a closer look at how you can expertly pinpoint your audience and choose topics that resonate deeply.

Knowing Your Audience

Getting to the heart of who your readers are is paramount for crafting impactful content. Delving into the demographics, professional aspirations, and hurdles of your target audience empowers you to tailor your articles precisely. This personalized approach ensures that your content speaks directly to the specific interests and challenges of your readers, driving up engagement and relevance.

Consider factors like industry trends, job roles, and professional pain points when deciphering your audience's profile. This method ensures your content not only grabs attention but also sustains it, resulting in higher engagement rates.

Finding the Perfect Topic for Your Article

Selecting the right topic is the linchpin of crafting a compelling LinkedIn article, involving a delicate balance of your expertise, audience's interests, and the uniqueness of your content.

Diagram showing how to choose the perfect topic for your Linkedin Article

First and foremost, opt for a topic you're well-versed in. Writing about a subject within your wheelhouse not only streamlines the writing process but also allows you to offer valuable insights with minimal research. This familiarity with the subject matter enables deeper discussions and a more authentic voice in your article.

Next, consider your audience's interests and needs. If your primary readership comprises software engineers, for instance, focus on topics relevant to the tech landscape. Understanding what matters most to your audience ensures your article resonates and garners appreciation.

Lastly, aim to inject a fresh perspective into your chosen topic. This might involve offering a new angle on a popular discourse, exploring emerging trends, or delving into niche areas yet to be extensively covered. Uniqueness significantly amplifies engagement and shareability of your article.

Achieving this delicate balance demands thorough research and leveraging diverse channels to unearth the perfect topic. Here are some tactics to help you narrow down your options and choose your topic:

List of top 8 tools for finding Linkedin article topic ideas

And remember to maintain a running list of potential topics to streamline your content creation process. We've been doing this for some time, and it's made creating content much faster. We organize all our ideas in Notion using their Blog Editorial Calendar template. Notion is awesome - it has plenty of free templates to help you stay organized, and we use it daily. We genuinely recommend giving it a try!

By adhering to these guidelines and selecting topics that align with your audience's interests, you're well-equipped to craft content that not only captivates but also enriches your readers' experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a LinkedIn Article

Step-by-step guide on how to create your first LinkedIn article

If you're all set to share your insights with your audience on LinkedIn, here's a simple guide to help you publish your first article:

  • Start by clicking “Create” in the left sidebar and select “Publish an article”.

The first step to write a LinkedIn article: Click the "Create" button, then select "Publish an article" from the menu options

  • Craft a catchy headline: Your headline is what catches the eye first, so make it intriguing and relevant to your content. Use clear language and keywords that your audience will relate to.

  • Grab attention with a striking cover image: Choose an image that stands out in your followers' feeds and makes them want to click and read your article. I recommend using Canva for this - it's got tons of templates and it's super easy to use.

  • Kick off with an engaging introduction: Hook your readers from the get-go with a concise, captivating intro that sets the tone for your article and tells them what to expect.

LinkedIn article creation tab showing features: Title field, image upload button, text formatting options, link and image buttons, and the SEO settings menu

  • Organize your content: Break your article into sections with clear headings (H1 for main headings, H2 for subheadings) and keep your paragraphs short and snappy. Use bullet points and examples to keep things interesting.

  • Spice it up with visuals: Add images, infographics, or videos to break up the text and reinforce your message. Aim for around 5-10 graphics, and don't forget to add alt tags to explain what they're about.

  • Sprinkle in some links: Link to your other articles or external sources to provide more context and credibility. And don't forget to tag people and companies mentioned in your article - it'll make everything flow smoother and boost your SEO.

  • Wrap it up with a call-to-action: Encourage your readers to engage with your content by leaving a comment, signing up for more, or checking out related resources.

  • Boost visibility: Tag your article with relevant keywords and hashtags to help it reach a wider audience. As well as optimize your article with SEO by adding a meta title and description.

LinkedIn article SEO settings showing fields for adding an SEO title and SEO description

  • Share it far and wide: Check your article for typos and grammar, then when you're happy with it, click “Publish” or “Schedule” and share it on your LinkedIn feed. Encourage your connections to like, comment, and share to spread the word. Easy peasy!

Screen showing how to schedule and publish your Linkedin article.

LinkedIn Articles: Constraints and Tips

Navigating technical constraints and optimizing your approach for LinkedIn Articles:

  • Headlines are limited to 150 characters. Aim for brevity and intrigue: keep it under 50 characters if possible.
  • There's no strict character limit for the main body, but a 30,000-word article is feasible, though not advisable.
  • The sweet spot for article length is 1,500-2,000 words, but exceptions can be made based on content requirements.
  • Images shouldn't exceed 8MB.
  • For cover images and other visuals, aim for an ideal size of 1920x1080 pixels.

Expert Tips and Best Practices for LinkedIn Articles

LinkedIn articles offer a prime opportunity to share your expertise with the platform's vast community. But how can you ensure your article truly shines? Here are some tried-and-true tips and best practices:

  • Find Your Voice: Infuse your personality into your writing and use conversational language to connect with your audience on a personal level.
  • Strong Openings: Grab readers' attention from the get-go with a compelling question or intriguing fact to draw them into your article.
  • Share Relevant Insights: Capitalize on LinkedIn Articles' capability to share data and statistics by integrating pertinent insights throughout your piece.
  • Visual Appeal: Enhance readability by incorporating relevant images, bullet points, and subheadings to break up text and create visual interest.
  • SEO Optimization: Boost your article's performance by strategically incorporating keywords to make it more search engine optimized.
  • Inject Personality: Don't hesitate to infuse your articles with snippets of your personality, hobbies, and passions to make them more relatable and engaging.
  • Clear Call-to-Actions: Encourage reader engagement by prompting them to like, comment, or share your article. Always include a clear call to action at the end.
  • Engage Your Audience: Pose thought-provoking questions at the end of your article to encourage readers to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Some examples include:
    • What do you think?
    • How do you feel?
    • What will you do?
    • What is your opinion?
    • What is your story?
    • What is your experience or example?
    • What have you been working on?
  • Drive Traffic: Consider publishing only a portion of your blog article on LinkedIn and directing readers to your website to read the rest, using a compelling link.
  • Timing Matters: Publish your articles when your audience is most active—typically, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the morning are ideal. Avoid weekends and Mondays, as engagement tends to be lower during these times.

Measuring Success: Key Metrics for LinkedIn Articles

LinkedIn offers comprehensive analytics for both individual articles and newsletters. To view the statistics of a specific article, open the desired article and click on "View stats" to access detailed analytics.

Instructions for viewing LinkedIn article statistics: open a specific article and click on the “View Statistics” button.

For analyzing newsletter data, navigate to the analytics section on the left side of the page and select the "Newsletters" tab.

Instructions for viewing LinkedIn's newsletter statistics: open your analytics dashboard and click on the “Newsletters” tab.

Keep an eye on metrics such as likes, shares, comments, reposts, engagement rates, and views to assess the impact of your articles. LinkedIn analytics also provides valuable insights into your audience demographics and behaviour, enabling you to refine your content strategy for future articles.

Final Thoughts

Mastering LinkedIn articles is a powerful step towards enhancing your professional brand and expanding your business network. By understanding your audience, selecting the perfect topics, and adhering to best practices for content creation and engagement, you can significantly boost your visibility, search ranking and influence on LinkedIn. Additionally, measuring the success of your articles through key metrics ensures continuous improvement and sustained impact.

To achieve the best results, it’s essential to leverage all the tools LinkedIn offers. We recommend developing a comprehensive strategy that includes profile optimization, paid advertising, regular LinkedIn articles, consistent content posting, and SEO optimization. For further guidance, check out our guides: LinkedIn Advertising for Beginners, LinkedIn Profile Optimization Tips, and LinkedIn Social Media SEO Hacks.

If you’re unsure where to start or how to strategize effectively, we’re here to help. Sign up for a free consultation with our CEO to get personalized guidance and support tailored to your needs. Let us help you unlock the full potential of LinkedIn for your business.

QR code for booking a free consultation with our CEO Artem Danilyants. We'll elevate your business on LinkedIn.

Bonus Tip: The Secret Structure of a High-Performing LinkedIn Article

Thanks for sticking with us till the end! As a token of our appreciation, we're excited to reveal our secret structure for crafting top-notch LinkedIn Articles:

1. Compelling Headlines: Your title should offer a glimpse of what readers can expect and entice them to click. Consider using these effective formulas:
- Everything you need to know
- Comparison headlines
- Top + number (e.g., Top 10) lists
- A guide to
- How-to guides
- Mistakes to avoid
- Increase your x with y
- Stop doing this

For more headline inspiration, check out this resource.

2. Introduction:
- Hook: Start with an attention-grabbing hook to pique readers' curiosity.
- Context: Provide a brief overview of the topic and its relevance to the reader.
- Thesis Statement: Clearly outline the article's main purpose and what readers will gain from reading further.

3. Body: Address the following questions across different sections:

Part 1
- Why does your company need X?
- What is X?
- Why is X crucial for your business?
- How does X drive business results?
- Explore different types of X

Part 2
- How can your company leverage X?
- Step-by-step guide on how to do X?
- Share 5-8 insights or common mistakes to avoid.
- Top tips and best practices for X.

Part 3
- How do you measure X's effectiveness?
- What key metrics should you track to gauge success?
- How can you maximize success?
- Tips on setting goals, measuring success, and benchmarking.

4. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key takeaways, highlighting X's transformative potential for your company.
- Provide actionable steps for integrating X into your business strategy.
- Encourage readers to implement the strategies discussed.

5. Call-to-action:
- Invite readers to share their experiences or insights on implementing X in their companies.
- Encourage readers to connect with you on LinkedIn for further discussions and collaborations.
- Include links to relevant resources or additional readings for those interested in diving deeper.

6. Author Bio:
- Conclude with a brief author bio, showcasing your expertise, experience, and credentials in 2-3 sentences.
- Include a professional photo and a link to your LinkedIn profile for easy connections.

With these strategies in hand, you're well-equipped to craft LinkedIn articles that captivate your audience and drive meaningful engagement. Happy writing!


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The Ultimate Guide to Writing Viral LinkedIn Articles in 2024